
NASA Sponsored Space Propulsion Synergy Team

This team is a large and august body supporting development of National Exploration goals and Space Infrastructure

6-DOF Simulation

A partnership with the American Institute for Research in Science and Technology for development of a 3-axis Attitude Determination and Control Simulation for integration with the NASA General Mission Analysis Tool.

2021 Microcosm contract to develop 6DOF Staged Ascent Simulation in MATLAB for their Sprite Vehicle.

AIAA Energy and Propulsion Conference

Paper AIAA-2018-4718,A Reusable Solar-Electric Orbit Transfer Service.  (See Downloads Section)

Paper AIAA-2020-3532 Survey of Launch Services 2016-2020

SeraData - GEO Satellite Propulsion and Attitude Control Capability Assessment

2019 Additon and validation of intelligence concerning commercial GEO Satellite Bus products worldwide.


Employed as Principal Engineer with responsibility for Lunar Gravity Assist and Deep Space Trajectory design, Navigation and RF Communications Systems, and Orbit Determination.